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ASL: Three wise men brought frankincense, myrrh, and gold.

The concept of incense or aroma can be combined with context to be understood as meaning "frankincense."

Generally the sign for ointment is palm down but in this sentence in which it is being co-articulated (signed with) the sign for incense we are choosing to sign "myrrh" using an upright and palm back version.

The concept of "bring" is being inflected by signing it as "bring to you" since the general idea is that the items are being brought as gifts.

Are there other ways to sign this phrase? Yes, certainly. This is simply "a" way that works fairly well for the situations in which the phrase will typically be used.

Three wise men brought frankincense, myrrh, and gold:




WISE, wisdom:




INCENSE, aromatic, frankincense - (requires-context), aroma, (compare with "SMELL")\




myrrh (requires context), OINTMENT, rub on to back of hand:



The sign for gold likely originated from people pointing to their earlobe (as in an ear-ring) and then signing yellow - as in a gold earring.









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